Upaya Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa pada Mata Pelajaran Matematika tentang Perkalian dan Pembagian melalui Model Discovery Learning di Kelas II SDN Cijakan 2

  • Sadyah Sadyah SD Negeri Cijakan 2
Keywords: Learning Outcomes, Model Discovery Learning, Perkalian dan Pembagian.


This  study  aims to determine whether there is an increase in learning outcomes of the material of the Perkalian and Pembagian through Discovery Learning Model for grade II students of SDN Cijakan 2. This study applies Discovery Learning Model in learning of Perkalian and Pembagian and is carried out in two cycles. Each cycle consists of four stages, namely, planning, action, observation, and reflection and evaluation.The results showed that there was an increase in learning outcomes of the Perkalian and Pembagian in grade II SDN Cijakan 2 Kecamatan Bojong. The improvement in the quality of the results can be seen from the increase in the score and mean score at the time of the action. In the first cycle the average value was 62, and in the second cycle it increased to 71,25. Meanwhile, the increase in activity can be seen from the observation in cycle I is 75% and cycle II is 100%.


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How to Cite
Sadyah, S. (2021). Upaya Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa pada Mata Pelajaran Matematika tentang Perkalian dan Pembagian melalui Model Discovery Learning di Kelas II SDN Cijakan 2. MENDIDIK: Jurnal Kajian Pendidikan Dan Pengajaran, 7(1), 90-93. https://doi.org/10.30653/003.202171.161