The Effect of Padlet Application Towards Students Writing Skill in The Narrative Text at The Eleven Grade Students of SMAN 12 Pandeglang
Nani Putpita Sari (2024). The Effect of Padlet Application Towards Students Writing Skill in the Narrative Text at the Eleven Grade Students of SMA N 12 Pandeglang in Academic Years 2024/2025.
This research paper aims to know whether there is a significant effect of Padlet application towards students' writing skill of Recount text at the Eleven Grade of SMAN 12 Pandeglang - Banten in Academic Year 2024/2025. The research paper used the quantitative approach and quasi-experimental design. The technique in choosing the sample is cluster random sampling; the researcher used XI.3 (35 students) as class experiment and XI.6 (36 students) as class control. In the Collecting data technique, the researcher gives pre-test and post-test. In analyzing the data, From the test results with independent sample t-test obtained t-count = -18.249 with significant 2-tailed = 0.000 < a = 0.05, then Ha is accepted and H0 is rejected. In other words, there is a significant effect of using Padlet towards students' writing skills of narrative text.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Nani Putpita Sari, Ari Fajria Novari, Tatu Munawaroh

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